January 2025

 Happy new year! We let the girls stay up later than ever this year, a whopping 10:00 pm! Can you even believe that!? Who are we, cool parents!?!?! I had prepped them all day to not be crabby if they stayed up late and they did it 😂 We went to a neighbor's home and watched Wicked in the front yard for an hour or so. Then we came home and gave Wade a bath and got him in bed. After he was in bed and the girls got ready, we finally finished Survivor! It's our favorite family show, and we got behind. We normally watch during quiet time on Sunday, but we all kept taking naps and forgot to catch up. It's good to have it done, and it's even better to be here in 2025! 

I finally figured out how to make meals for my family and work full time, without feeling like I was lacking in either area! I love to cook and was feeling burnt out about not having time to make meals on Tuesday-Friday. I was sitting at work and working on a meal plan when it hit me that instead of doing meals in the week, I could do my meals on the weekends! It's sounds so dumb, but it's given me the calm and joy I needed! Normally Friday is date night or out to eat, and Saturday was leftovers, but NOW I make an intentionally new or time consuming recipe on Saturday-Monday and it just feels like the balance I was craving. I've also been making a lot of bread. Every Friday I feed my sourdough starter, and every Saturday-Sunday is bread baking day. It feels good to have a routine. 

We had a New Years family meeting and discussed goals for the next semester. Gwen really wanted to skip out on all extracurriculars this spring. She won't be doing sports or any extra music. She's only doing piano, and so far she's really loved the time. Emily wanted to do soccer this semester, and so we've got her signed up with Mesa Youth Sports. We love them. Wade wants to run out front any chance he gets so we are always ready to chase him. 

GWEN WENT TO SCIENCE CAMP! They went to Prescott and she had a great time. 

I came up with a "resolution" for 2025, and it is to try something new every month. I cannot remember what we did, but it was something good. Darn.

Things I never want to forget Wade says: "I fast!" and then he counts to three and runs across the room! "Pass!" while holding the ball. Pass to him and play his game and he'll hug and kiss you. Wade loves playing with Cam and Reggie at church. He sees them and growls/grunts. hahah! It's like him saying, "those are my friends, can I go?" We live a few houses away from them, and always end up at the same parks on Sundays. He loves them so much. He gets on top of the couch arms, yells for someone to watch, then counts down and jumps onto the couch. He loves wrestling and his sisters and dad wrestle him to his hearts content. When he needs safety, he comes to mom. When he needs adventure, he goes to dad. If he doesn't want you to sing, he puts his hand over your mouth and gives you a look with his golden/invisible eyebrows. He used to say Dad really well, but now he says Dan. We've started calling Jake Dan now, instead of Dad and/or Jake. It's so funny! When we're trying to put Wade in bed, he often won't let us leave. We've somehow discovered a loophole, and it works every single time. All you have to do is tell Wade you need to poop and he'll let you leave! Hahaha!!! Every time Jake puts Wade to bed, I hear them have this conversation: J- "Goodnight, Wade. I love you." W-"Noooooooo." J- "I have to go poop." W- "Okay." hahahahahhahahhahahaha!!!!! If he doesn't let you go after that, if you do a fake little push like you might toot or poop, he'll let you leave immediately. I love it.

Gwen and Nixan at science camp

Gwen's group. She was with great chaperones and a great group of friends!

Gwen competing in a challenge with friends where they all attempted to place a foot on one block.
Wade with Isabel.

Reading his Wimmelbooks. 

Always reading a book.

Working at the park. He's only 2 but he's got years of experience. 

Wade in action eating. 

W loves to avoid napping when he's at Ms. Kristy's. 

Library adventures with Isabel.

I found this before of our home. Cute. 

Wade cane down with double ear infections and an upper respiratory infection that took him out for several weeks. Poor dude.

He wanted all the drinks.

I'll always snap pictures of seeing kids!

My two twin boys!

Always "makin" sourdough together. 

Wade making by himself.

More twin pictures. Hard to tell who's who!


mce said…
you finally wrote !!!!! thanx so much !!

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