February 2025

 February was filled with fun and mundane tasks. Dental appointments, oil changes, haircuts, birthday parties, piano practice and more. 

I spoke at an event for relief society with the topic of "Our Savior's Love". I talked about women in the Bible and explained how each of them showed us how God loves us. Here were any sub topics. 1. Christ's love is infinite and personal. 2. Christ's love is for the imperfect, and I talked about Rahab and Tamar. 3. Christ's love is for the faithful, and we discussed the faith of Ruth, the strong leader in Deborah, and courageous Esther. 4. Christ's love is for the humble, and reviewed Abish. 5. Christ's love heals and changes us. I think it went well.

We went to the annual MacArthur carnival and spent the evening with friends!

The girls have been wanting to go to Disneyland and I saw that ticket prices for children were cheap. I told them we could go if they earned the money and they legitimately earned enough within a month. They have lemonade/bracelet sales all the times, but also included eggs and sourdough. They did great so that's on our docket for next month! Gwen and Emily are major entrepreneurs! 

Jake has a friend he plays basketball with and that friend wasn't able to sell a courtside ticket to a Sun's game, and gifted it to Jake! He had so much fun and when we watched the game on TV, we could see him on the screen! What a celebrity. 

I am on a roll with reading. I'm proud of the amount I'm reading, both hard copy and via audible when I drive to and from work each day! I'm trying hard to list the books well so I don't mix them up in my brain! Kristin Hannah is my favorite author though, and each book takes me on a historical adventure. 

Our February adventure was seeing the Savannah Bananas baseball game! 

Family picture at Everette's birthday party!

Petting zoo pictures. Gwen wants a rabbit so bad. I promised Disneyland to avoid buying rabbits. 
Nicole and I at the Savannah Bananas game!

Jake and Jon being twins at the bananas game. 
THERE'S JAKE! Emily found him right away! 

I can feel his giddiness! 

On TV we could tell Booker was mad at the ref, and I asked Jake if he heard the scuffle. He said he heard it word for word! 
Building trains. 

A neighbor gifted Wade this bike! 

Literally always reading his Wimmelbook.

I love seeing him eat. 
Beautiful Gwen! What a cutie! 

Us at the Savannah Bananas game

Wade made this at Ms. Kristy's. Obsessssssssed. 

We like to go look at the work being done on McKellips. He loves the tractors. 

Wade watching Blippi while still on the mend from last month's illness. 

At the carnival!

Enjoying the weather as often as possible. 

Sweetest Emily! 

A crane.

Wade with Milo and Cam. 


mce said…
i have never heard of the savannah bananas ?!? who and what are they ?? and what do they play ??

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