May 2024

We really loved having Daniel with us this semester. It was a really last minute, happenstance type of situation and just shows that it was really meant to be. It's been an honor to host him in our home, and love on him. He's been great with Gwen and Emily. They liked him the second they saw him and have probably been on his nerves just as long, but he takes it in stride and plays with them. It's been fun for me to watch the way he's learned patience from them, and they've all learned how to communicate with people who weren't raised the same, and I'm thankful for that. Daniel went to prom! He was so handsome, and was on time, and was prepared with the corsage and the boutonnière, and even extra shoes. 

For senior ditch day, Daniel went with some of his friends to Krazy Air trampoline park. He loves going out for treats with his friends, and often bribes them with a drink for a hang out. 

Daniel went to several track events, and worked from 6 am to 10 pm for some invitationals. 

Danny threw a final party on Memorial Day. He had friends come over and swim and eat and hang for one more night before reuniting with his parents. They flew from Germany and got here the Tuesday after Memorial Day. We all went to dinner and it was fun to learn about his mom and dad. They're so wonderful. We'll miss Daniel a lot, but he knows he has an open invitation to stay with us anytime he comes back to the states. 

The end of school was hard for Gwen this year. She was really sad to not see her friends. We had to remind her that she WILL see her friends, and that, in fact, she already had play dates set up. 😂 This year it was really evident that puberty is on its way for her. Several times throughout the year, she's said to us, "Is this real, or is this the hormones!?" hahah Poor baby girl! It's both! Pray for us. Gwen got to go to the Grand Canyon and Bearizona with her class. She took money and even bought herself some souvenirs. 

Emily had a tough end of school. We actually pulled her out in May and wanted to homeschool her, but she decided to go back because she is so social and missed her friends. Her teacher made all the difference in helping out with a tough situation, and Emily is glad she ended the year the way she did. She went to Butterfly Wonderland and Jake was a chaperone. 

I was able to go to a party with some work friends (and family :)). We had a theme of colors. Each person picked a color and brought a board of treats in that color. It was so fun and yummy. I had a really busy month and worked, worked, worked. I felt really motivated and wanted to ride that wave. I'm thankful the month is over because now we go on to summer swim lessons and teams, and so I'll be less work busy, and more mom busy. 

Jake built us a lovely chicken coop! He's so great. I'm thankful for him and his skills. He may not want to do them, but whenever I have an idea, he's up for the task. He's been busy with work and is really enjoying his job. He's also Wade's bestie. I've forgotten what it was like to not be the favorite parent. hah! Gwen and Wade both preferred him over me, but Emily was all about mom! Wade chooses Jake for everything and it's sweet. They are each others right hand man! I'm thankful for the traits Jake is showing our family.

Last day of 4th Grade!

Last day of 2nd Grade!

Sweetie Pie Daniel's Last Day! We always dropped him off here and embarrassed him by shouting out the windows, "Have a good day, Sweetie! We love you!" and other stuff like that. He secretly loved it. 

Wade's last day missing his sister's at school. 
Wade is very into swimming. We go every day. 

Isabel makes Wade some great lunches. 

This is a new hangout for Wade. 

OMG. I love him. 

These are the women from Baby Peyton's blessing. 
Charcuterie party!

I was orange, clearly. 
Milo and Wade. Milo was playing in there and Wade got jealous so he squeezed in. 

I love this. I can imagine this being so funny in 20 years. 
Daniel all dressed for prom!

Daniel and Shea! 

So beautiful! 

Jake and I made it to google maps. 

CLUCKY IS A MOTHER! She hatched 4 chicks. The fifth didn't make it out of its sac and died. 

Gwen and Polly.

Emily is warming up to catching the chickens herself! She's proud and crazy! 
Wade and Everette. 

hahaha this is from a while ago, but it brings me joy. My neighbor snapped this of the kids and her dogs. hahahah

Emily and Gwen did so well in piano with Mrs. Bitter. She encouraged them to try doing a festival type thing, and they were graded by people they'd never met. These women are brave and so awesome! 

Wade helping Dad build mom's chicken coop. 

Swimming at Carson. 

Emily is so cute. 

trio of Denhams. 
Gwen was in a class play. She rehearsed every day and was so charismatic and charming. 

Gwen and Glory. 

Cool kids. 

Jake and Emily on the bus to Butterfly Wonderland. 

Emily went to a girls night party on the last day of school. 

Gwen recited a poem she wrote at school. 

Rachel Redd forever!!!!!!

Gwen and LaRee after LaRee's volleyball game.

5th grade end of school party at Glory's house. 
Daniel and I at the gym late. And by late I mean 7 pm. That's late for me. 



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