January 2023

 We rang in the new year bright and early with Wade's blessing. We planned on not doing the blessing until February, but we got nervous thinking about the possibility that our house could sell and we'd have to move and bless him in a brand new area. We loved our neighbors and church congregation and wanted to keep the service with them. We had friends and family come from all over. Normally I write down a few things from the blessing, but I forgot to get out my phone because I just lived in the moment. Jake joked that he was going to change Wade's middle name to Valentine. Spoiler alert, he didn't. I love being at church with family because Gwen and Emily leave us to sit with them. It was so fabulous to see them visiting all their grandmas. I loved that. 

We got together with our friends and celebrated Friendsgiving! In November, I didn't feel good about bringing Wade to Thanksgiving and thus missed out on seeing family and eating well! I threw the idea out and everyone was into it! We had such a great spread and there were 17-18 kids under the age of 10 (I think that's right!).

I had my first day with student clinicians at ASDOH's dental clinic. Each month my students will rotate to a different instructor. The four students I have now were so great, and my coworkers were so patient. They answered my questions so clearly.  I'm looking forward to getting into a rhythm in no time. 

Gwen and Emily have been playing outside in the great weather with all the neighborhood kids. It's so fun to see them build forts, play games, manage their own conflict, and play non stop. It is idyllic and I'm so glad for them to have such sweet memories of playing! 

We had a lot of house showings, so we were constantly cleaning and leaving our house. Shauni volunteered her backyard for Fred when we need it, so that was and has been helpful. We're looking forward to it selling and not picking up for at least a week! haha!

Soul Moms. We've called ourselves that for six years!

Friendsgiving LCR for the kids. They played with quarters.

Wade's first haircut. Before.

Wade's first haircut. After. 

This rocker thing has been a life saver. We love it. And clearly the boy does, too. 

Gahhhhhh cute.

Banks was very impressed with Wade. 

Jake bought this outfit the second he found out we were having a boy. 

This is hangin up at my work. I love it so much. 

Emily and Wade

Jake and Gwen playing video games at the dentist office. 

The Forsbergs came to play. These women are so special. 

Outfit from Grammy Jan. He's so sweet!


Morgan and Wade

I see the resemblance in these two and it is so sweet. 


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