April 26

We love Gwen!

She is a champ. Whatever she does, she commits! When she eats, she chugs 5-7 ounces. When she sleeps, she'll take a 4 hour nap, and still sleep from midnight to 6 am. When she cries, we wake up the Elephants upstairs. . . it's hilarious.

Nursing has gone great for us. I had to be at school a week after having her, so I've pumped from early on. She has no trouble eating from the bottle or from me. She also loooooves her Lambie (pacifier). I have a pump that I keep at school, and I've been able to pump on breaks and we have a NICE stockpile in the freezer. If I could without being odd, I'd totally show my stockpile to everyone because I'm so proud of it.

Mini has some pretty intense gassy bubbles in her tummy, but we've been able to manage it by massaging her little stomach, and by doing leg exercises to get the bubbles out. Once she toots, she's so happy! She loves burping and she abhors the hiccups. She's had three blow out diapers, but they're because we didn't realize she needed to be in bigger diapers. She's in size ones now, and we are happy with that!

We just love her.

Mini and Lambie. BFF.


Kylie said…
She's the sweetest. You're a champ! Pumping is the least fun thing ever, and that stock-pile is definitely something to be proud of. I wish someone had told me to start pumping early on, because I was constantly worried we would run out. It was fine, but I was so ready to kiss that thing goodbye!
Carissa said…
I'm just now catching up on your blog since I've been completely out of blog-world for the last few months so you're gonna get a bunch of comments from me ha. I love seeing pics of Gwen, she's a cutie!!
Peanut said…
I can totally appreciate your stockpile pride!
Peanut said…
I can totally appreciate your stockpile pride!

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