Day 3 - Ugly Sweater Party 2009
Once upon a January, we had an Ugly Sweater Party to celebrate a certain Carolyn's birth. With heinous sweaters galore and s'mores in the fire pit, we were ready. After the swell commencement of her fiesta, we celebrated at the Waffle House.
The waiters and waitresses at the Waffle House hated us. Maybe it was because I wanted hard boiled eggs that were warm, but when they served them cold, I told them I didn't even want them anymore. It could be because we were jiving to the old jukebox. Either way, the fiesta was better than any Harry Potter Party ever could be.
I was such a fan of Jake. His sweater wasn't even Ugly. It is my favorite thing to. this. day. Amen.
P.S. The password thingy that I have to type to let this comment be posted is "inful" Sinful...but without the S. ...I thought it was funny. The end.