I'm going to work at the DMV. . .
. . . because I enjoy listening to stories from people. Today the hubs and I went to the magical DMV so that I could change the very last item that was still missing my newest last name. (By the way, MOM! They fit ALLL five names on the card. You'll be so happy :) While we were waiting in the actually super short line, we heard the following conversations.
Red-shirted worker-"I can't do that for you. Sorry to te..."
Brotha from tha hood-Obviously angry-"I just want you to take off that record of the last DUI! What do you mean you CAN'T? Isn't this what you do!?"
RSW-"Um, no. . . "
PS. He was DEFINITELY a brotha and he told her he was from the hood so if he reads this ever, he won't be mad at his story name.
Scene: A couple is at the very end of the line, when a semi-familiar face shows up.
Man with lady- "Well, what are youuuuu doing here!?"
Entering lady- "I love Wal-Mart! I love you guys! Why aren't you wearing your walmart shirt?"
Lady with man- "He's applying for disability today. No walmart shirt."
Entering lady -"Are you hurt?"
Man- "No, just seeing if I can get it. . . "
Now the next part will seem like a lie, but it's seriously such good truth that I almost passed out of happiness next to the hubs. The lady who they thought looked familiar from somewhere--the one that walked in-- guess who the heck that lady was!?! IT WAS DEBORAH from the time I decided I hated Wal-Mart! It was oh-so fantastic. I would have taken a picture, but I was too impressed with coincidence.
Another reason I want to work at the DMV is due to the upset employees. I asked the lady who was "helping" me if she hated her job. Jake kicked me in the knee under the table, but I needed to know. She replied, "Your new license will be four dollars." Jake didn't hear right and was getting TICKED. He thought she said forty and he was about to have a hissy fit! I like him! (I added hissy to my online dictionary so now I won't have to say "Ignore Once" anymore! Success!)
I got a new picture at the DMV, a new address, and a new name, but I think the most successful part of the trip was that on my new license you can see that 1. I am two inches taller, 2. I weigh 15 pounds less than usual and 3. I have brown eyes and brunette hair. SUCCESS times a million! I always thought it was weird that that stuff was on the card anyway, so why not be a whole new person!? Awesome.
Red-shirted worker-"I can't do that for you. Sorry to te..."
Brotha from tha hood-Obviously angry-"I just want you to take off that record of the last DUI! What do you mean you CAN'T? Isn't this what you do!?"
RSW-"Um, no. . . "
PS. He was DEFINITELY a brotha and he told her he was from the hood so if he reads this ever, he won't be mad at his story name.
Scene: A couple is at the very end of the line, when a semi-familiar face shows up.
Man with lady- "Well, what are youuuuu doing here!?"
Entering lady- "I love Wal-Mart! I love you guys! Why aren't you wearing your walmart shirt?"
Lady with man- "He's applying for disability today. No walmart shirt."
Entering lady -"Are you hurt?"
Man- "No, just seeing if I can get it. . . "
Now the next part will seem like a lie, but it's seriously such good truth that I almost passed out of happiness next to the hubs. The lady who they thought looked familiar from somewhere--the one that walked in-- guess who the heck that lady was!?! IT WAS DEBORAH from the time I decided I hated Wal-Mart! It was oh-so fantastic. I would have taken a picture, but I was too impressed with coincidence.
Another reason I want to work at the DMV is due to the upset employees. I asked the lady who was "helping" me if she hated her job. Jake kicked me in the knee under the table, but I needed to know. She replied, "Your new license will be four dollars." Jake didn't hear right and was getting TICKED. He thought she said forty and he was about to have a hissy fit! I like him! (I added hissy to my online dictionary so now I won't have to say "Ignore Once" anymore! Success!)
I got a new picture at the DMV, a new address, and a new name, but I think the most successful part of the trip was that on my new license you can see that 1. I am two inches taller, 2. I weigh 15 pounds less than usual and 3. I have brown eyes and brunette hair. SUCCESS times a million! I always thought it was weird that that stuff was on the card anyway, so why not be a whole new person!? Awesome.
Also I am jealous that you have such a cute blog header thing, I haven't figured that out yet.
Last thing, one day you will cut my hair, I already cut it all off and so now I actually have to have it cut often since inbetweeness is not that awesome. ok.done.