September 2024

 September was the month that felt like forever. My September was full of training in different locations, sick days for the entire family, and a bit of monotony to keep us steadied. We thrive with routine, but even more so with relaxation.

Wade gave me two black eyes this month. One was an accidental head butt, and the other was a catch game gone wrong. He and I were tossing a hard rubber ball back and forth, and I had this feeling that I should turn my head. I ignored that feeling and then SLAM! The ball hit me square in the eye, and I saw a flash of green before crying in pain. Gwen and Emily came to my rescue and tried to help, and Wade cried from hurting momma. It was a great time. Don't recommend. 

A guy at the gym I go to growled/screamed in my face. Imagine him with me: buff guy, max height five feet, five inches. Fake tan, fake muscles, though incredibly large. Balding head. Often grunts during his own sets, literally sometimes yells. Always swears. Walks around the gym with his belt like like he owns the place. Acts like a celebrity. 

He approached me after a set of mine, and got inches away from my face and snarled "YOU SHOULDN'T BRING YOUR PHONE TO THE GYM!" It was shocking, and terrifying. Once I gained realization that this actually happened, and after I looked around to see if anyone saw this and was coming to my rescue,  I said, "Excuse me?" Expecting him to turn around and apologize was my first mistake. I again said, "Excuse ME!?" He sauntered off to the mens' restroom when he realized I was following after him. He had previously approached a few of my friends, and SEVERAL others in the same  way. He's even told women while pointing to their stomachs, "If you need help getting rid of that, let me know." Disgusting loser. I knew he had gone to the restroom, but noticed he was at the entrance talking to a friend we both have named Tony. I call out to Tony, "Hey Tony! What's the name of the guy you're talking to?" He says, "This guy?" and the guy sticks his head out. "Yes, Tony! That's him." As I start walking down the hall to the restroom entrances, I begin telling Tony about how this guy just screamed at me in the gym. Tony couldn't believe it. I asked Tony to tell me his name so I could report him, but Tony didn't know or didn't want to tell me to avoid being involved. I asked  a few men leaving the restroom to get his name, and two tried unsuccessfully. At this point, I felt too brave after realizing he likely has never been told off for his behavior which is a very usual thing for him. I called out to the mens room, "I'm a woman, and I'm coming in." I found him immediately. He looked stunned. He looked scared--not scared of me, but scared that he was having a consequence. I told him something to the effect of--how DARE you. Do not ever talk to me in the club again. I am going to report you. I know you talk to people like this all the time, and they are scared of you or completely taken by surprise and I will not let this go. You are rude, you are short, you are on too much testosterone, and you are balding. You've have no successful relationships in your life if you think this is an appropriate way to act at the gym. You should be disappointed. Mixed with a whole lot of "what is your name!?" His reply was, "You shouldn't have your phone at the gym." I said, EVERYONE has their phone at the gym. I pointed to him listening to music on his phone and said "You LITERALLY have your phone at the gym!" Finally I left the men's restroom and marched my crying self to the front desk. During my lecture, a janitor had come in and repeatedly told me to leave. I told him several times, I want to leave. Tell me you'll get his name. He didn't, but that doesn't matter because as soon as I got to the front desk, the man up front got the full story from top to bottom and without a beat said, "I know who you're talking about. I don't know his name, but someone else literally just complained about him." He told me he would call the manager, and when he spoke with her, she knew immediately who this guy was too. The guy waited in the restroom for several minutes. Probably 10-15. The whole time I just stood there, waiting, so I could point him out. It was one of the best feelings to see him walk out of the restroom to see me, with shock and annoyance on his face that this wasn't anther successful diss on his part. As soon as he was within ear shot and could clearly hear me and see me, I said, while VERY animated and pointing, "That's him! There he is!" The next day, the manager found me and told me all the problems they've had with this guy. I also found out his name. . . ready? PHILIP. Phil. Meat head Phil with no manners. Phil does this all the time. Guest report him all the time and the manager said she fears him because he's bigger than her. She was trying to get him out. At this same time, several people walked up to us because they'd see the day before and they all had their own Phil stories! I was shocked to hear some of them. Phil's own claim to fame is that he worked out with Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the day, to which I retorted, "Can you claim you worked out WITH someone if you were just the towel boy?" I was slinging out insults left and right and I still feel really good about it. Anyway. A week passed by, and I ran into Phil again. I wanted so badly to go back to shouting insults, but I said, "Hey Phil! When you're ready to apologize, I'm ready to hear it!" and that was the last time I saw him at the gym. The End. Joey Swoll would be disappointed in Phil. If you know, you know. 

We all got sinus infections. 

Wade went to an in-home daycare for the first time. He loved it. It's great for us to have another option for when our nanny is unavailable. 

Emily and Gwen went to their school daddy daughter dance. Jake was really sick, so we called Morgan and he came to the rescue. He took the girls, and I got to have a really fun date with Kaitlyn. 

Wade loves eating. 

Gwen at church 

Wade and his water. He stopped himself from drinking milk this month. Just doesn't drink it at all anymore. 

Wade and Milo at the park. 

Big boi

Pink eye

Emily's hair is beautiful. Meredith visited and bought this clip, but has way too much hair for it and left it for us. Is that a rude compliment or what!? Hahah! 

Emily had a canker she wanted a picture of. 

Wade's black eye. Don't know how he got that one. 

Shenanigans at church

My black eye. I had this when I was yelling at Phil. That made me feel tough. 

Activity days game night! 

Wade in Jake's glasses

Last bottle of milk ever. 

Such an emo boy at heart. Listening to music under the table. Making millennial parents proud. 

We got a Costco membership. 

Wade loves Brother Berry's motorcycle. 

Fire station tour activity days!
This was so fun. I got to go all the way up in the basket! 

Activity days tagalong

We went all the way up. It was crazy. 

Emily with Zack Manis

Farris' Christmas themed birthday party

Labor Day swimming with the Forsbergs and Ellsworths. 

Daddy daughter dance. No pictures with Morgan, but these are from him. 

Wade's first day at day care. 


mce said…
I loved everything you wrote. I just couldn't believe that Phillip story !!! The nerve of that man to yell at you. Anyway I loved it all.

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