June 2022

Our month began with a literal bang when Jake got into a car accident while driving the young men from our church group to camp. All of the boys and Jake were safe and uninjured, but the truck had to stay in Show Low for a month to get fixed. 

Gwen and Emily started swim team and so we basically lived at the pool each morning. Gwen swam from 9-10, and Emily swam from 10-10:45. Almost every day Gwen would ask why HER team had to practice longer. After a few days of this, I asked her back "are you jealous that she swims for less time?" She said, no. . . but then paused and said, "Actually, yeah." Ha! I got to enjoy some time with other swimmer's moms and it was fun, but towards the end of the month I was hotter than ever and cranky. Pregnancy is fun in the sun---NOT! My summer wardrobe consists of the same few dresses and pair of shorts. I need easy access to air. 

Gwen has had a boogy board drawing plate for a few years, but she's really gotten into tracing in the last few weeks. She'll trace programs, dress patterns, and if you're bold enough she'll try to trace your face during church. You must have bravery because those ones turn out a little wild and can end up making you snort-laugh very loudly during quiet church talks. 

Emily's occupational therapist continues to blow our minds with education. She's constantly teaching Emily new games that help her with coping and ordering and I can't help myself to buying the games for home. We've added so many good ones to our collection. Genius Star and Genius Square are a few of our new favorites. 

We got a summer pool pass and have spent many afternoons swimming at the pools in town. One day we pulled up and saw Lightning McQueen! We were all so excited and I should've had Jake take this picture so I could've been in it with them! 

Emily got stung by a bee at swim team! She was very offended and very, VERY mad. We are bee protectors at our pool and often fish them out of the pool and save their lives. The one at swim team stung her on the back of the ear and it was a really sad day. She requested we call several family members to tell them the horrible news. It really swelled up large, and after 10 days of swelling the ear crusted over and then went back to normal. It was very emotionally draining for the poor woman. 

We purchased kayaks a year ago and hadn't taken them out yet, but we planned an excursion with Morgan, Rachelle, Hayden, Kate, and Jeremy. We went to Canyon Lake after work and swam and played until sundown. It was beautiful and the company was even better. I love seeing Gwen and Emily thrive and they were loving jumping off rocks, kayaking, and paddle boarding. I probably say this after every family event, but I'm glad to have Morgan and his family close by. Also, high five to me for jumping at 20 ish weeks pregnant. I went back to the same lake in July and decided my jumping days were over until I'm done being pregnant. Amen. 

GwEmily had several swim meets and both of them were in multiple relays. They loved getting ribbons, especially when they got different colors. After two blue (1st place) ribbons, Emily told me if she got any more blue, she was going to be pretty angry! Bless her heart. 

We went to see the new Buzz Lightyear movie at the theater and ate so much popcorn and candy that I'm amazed we rolled out of the place on our own feet. 

Jake began a new job search at the beginning of the month and left the company he had been with for five years. He interviewed several times, and at the later part of the month secured a job with a company that can keep him local in the valley! He loved the interview portion of meeting possible new coworkers and can easily say he is glad to have found something so fast. Because of Jake's saving, he was able to really take the time he wanted to find a good fit for his next step in the sales world. 

We had to buy two brand new A/C units. Bless our hearts and our wallets. Again, because of Jake's great saving, this was not a problem and we were able to replace the units. I used to always say that buying tires was the worst because no one noticed (I think I picked that joke up from my parents) but now Jake and I say that about the A/C units. So. . . as a note to anyone who comes over to our home, please ask us about the new additions to our family. We'll show them to you to make us feel even better about it. Ha! Really, it's been so great and they truly keep the house so much cooler with so much less effort. Hallelujah. 

We celebrated our 12th anniversary and didn't do anything extravagant, but we did get to do our 20 week anatomy scan of the baby! He is looking perfect. He is growing great, moving a lot, and has normal bone growth. We were able to see a pretty clear shot of his lower face, and I'm pretty certain he has a nose and mouth like Emily and Jake. Swoon!

Pregnancy wise,  I'm beginning to feel more normal and less sickly, but each day hits a little different. Pregnancy this go around is tough mentally and physically. I have less energy but more ability to rest since Gwen and Emily are such magnificent helpers. The amount of times I've had to tell them that I'm going to bed around 6, to come in my room at 7:30 for a song and cuddles before bed, all to have them put themselves to sleep is incredible. I'm thankful for Jake being willing to bring me water, get me bean burritos, and make me food that I won't/can't eat even though a minute ago it was all I wanted. Praise to being halfway. I can't wait to feel normal normal again! 


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